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Sorry about this delay I have been extremely busy.  I just started college this year and it's been keeping me quite busy.  I'm so sorry for not keeping the site updated.  I only have 2 1/2 more weeks of school...then I'll be going on a little trip with some friends but I promise when I come back home and have lots of extra time I will work on updating the site.  Thanks for visiting.


Welcome to my website about the hottest country artist around, TOBY KEITH!

Toby Keith has been a performer for a very long time, and is just now getting recognized. I hope that this website might make a few more people start to like him. I have been a fan for a very long time, ever since I can remember. I hope you will enjoy this website. Please come back often, I will keep it updated with information as soon as I receive it.
Dates to Remember

These are just a few dates that I have found that you just might want to remember:

April 11, 2005 at 8:00pm on CMT is the CMT Music Awards


Toby looking hot as usual!

Last updated April 4th at 1:04pm.